Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Behind the scene. <3

CLB JCI Junior Installation was OVER!
Gonna blog about that day but I cant wait to blog about this 1st!

Behind the scene!

Origin-ly, you guys will see these picture during the dinner @ our installation.
Due to some i-dunnoe-why prob, the slide show was stucked in my lappie.

Not really very complete~

Our very 1st practice.
Our lovely Great Consultant aka Ong Yong Siong's HOUSE.
You cant imagine how HUGE it is.
It was like a CASTLE!

Thier unplugged!
This is the K room.
Even more grand than Redbox.

Our pose.
Very 1st pose.

This was torturing our hand.
It HURTs much!

Mr. Ong was teaching us " HOW TO SHAKE OUR FAT ASS!"

Our Krazzzyyi PREXY!

You dun wanna let this picture "POP" out at our installation isit?
Its alright.

See, we dance under a HUGE sun!
OMG! Torturing my skin! wtf?!

So bad minqi didnt come that day.



7 eleven.
Ignore my fringe pls.
It was ugly enough, I sweats like hell.
How tiring?

I dunnoe which time.
Esther went for latin class so that she didnt join us till so late that day. ==

Another time.
All of them was late!
Solo pic. =)

I love this picture the most!I hearrrrrrrrt you alllllll sho sho sho sho sho much!

School hall.

The cute MC-Zhilyn and Chloe.
We always fooling around together. hahaha!

This is the best thing when WE ARE SHO HOT in the hall. ==

The MC started this 1st. lol

Nah, ini Zhilyn.

One day before.

On stage.
preparing for the cover of the booklet.
Pls make sure that you appreciate the booklet, orelse ALL of us will just KILL you.

so-called 星光大道.
FeEL it.
We wanted to act like super model but who knows, we FAILED!

More funny picture NOT AT MY PLACE.
How tiring to get those silly picture from other ppl.

Gonna edit this post again. Stay tuned!

p/s: more picture to upload. =)

p/p/s: thinking to change my blogskin again. I wan a HAWT one!!!



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